
A new position…and Spring Break!

Wholesome Jo's
Guinness Chocolate Cake
Peanut Butter Bars
White Chocolate Almond Biscotti


A couple of weeks ago I got a job as a baker in one of our local cafĂ©'s! It's been a lot of fun! I've been meaning to post some of the pictures I took for their Facebook page on here as well, but have been caught up with all of the busyness prior to spring break. We have 10 days off and it's going to be a welcome break from the semester! 
The senior high travel at my school is going to do a tour of the Canadian Battlefields in Europe during the break and it has gotten me excited for my own trip to Europe this summer (if all goes well)!! 
Christian has made his way up from the city for Easter and we've been enjoying the warm weather outside (it's a muddy/slushy/wet mess out there but it's definitely better then more snow and thirty below!) Amy, my cousin's wife, has come west from Ontario to spend a couple months here before her baby is born! She is originally from England so her accent and warm personality is refreshing and we are so looking forward to having a baby around -- it's been a long time!
I have spent the afternoon making Hasty Tasty Hot Cross Buns and I am looking forward to spending the day tomorrow at my Auntie's house for Easter dinner with all of the family!
In the meantime enjoy the season and the warm weather it brings, but most of all I hope you enjoy a happy Easter with friends and family celebrating the life of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made for us!


One Year Today :)

It's been quite the week (or two), I was sick and missed a week of school (fun times!) and have been trying to catch up since then. But guess what? If you haven't already guessed by the GIF above (I'm really proud of that GIF by the way) a year ago today I wrote my first post for a blog I had been thinking about and creating in my mind for awhile prior to that day and I've never looked back! I had been following various blogs before I started this journey but it has since grown and I feel happy to be apart of this community. It feels good to be able to do something creative with my free time that I know people can enjoy at the same time. This blog has expanded my knowledge of photography and helped me keep up with and improve my writing. It's exciting to think of the coming years and the things I will learn and the people I will meet :)
So lets just feast on this cocunut cupcake to celebrate!!