
It's moments like these...


I love dressing up for no reason.

I love experimenting with my makeup.

I love the first sip of hot tea after a long day at school.

I love when all of our family is together just hanging out.

I love being able to capture a moment with just a click of a camera.

I love when I'm nearing the end of a book and I find myself pausing to soak it in before I move on.

I love the feeling of pulling on my favourite pair of jeans and t-shirt combo on days that just don't start out right.



watching: Call the Midwife! Every Sunday night my sister and my mom and I watch this very cute BBC series. It's on the second season, but the first is on iTunes. It's about these midwives on the east end of London in the 60's who live, work and study midwifery with some nuns at an abbey called Nonnatus House. It's based on a true story and you can even read the biography (of the same name) written by one of the midwives, Jenny!
listening to: Panic Cord by Gabrielle Aplin. I came across this singer by accident on YouTube and fell in love with her music!
thinking about: I've been thinking about my grad off and on this month, we've had to bring in a baby picture for the PowerPoint that's playing during the ceremony and I've been trying to find a good song clip for my 30 sec I get to walk down with my escort! (It's more difficult then you would think!)
looking forward to: I'm looking forward to next Friday when we are going to Edmonton to pick up Christian from University and maybe do a bit of shopping…?!!
reading: I just finished Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth (which was really good), but I am currently reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, I decided to jump on the bandwagon (I'm a little late!) and read it before the movie comes out.
making me happy: the return of the Canadian Geese! In Canada, well at least Northern Alberta, spring is not marked by blooming trees, green grass, 20+ weather or budding leaves because all of that marks the beginning of summer, but the melting of snow, big lake sized puddles, mud, slush and Canadian Geese are what suggests that spring has sprung! There is a fairly big puddle in a farmers field by our property that is housing a flock of Geese returning from warmer weather (they are probably keeners because it is a bit early with all the snow we have left, but they'll get first pick on nesting grounds once they settle in their homes a little farther north -- their not so dumb!) ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if you live further south where the grass is green and the sun shines strong, soak it in and enjoy it for all the northerners who have to wait a couple weeks longer!


Pinterest Inspiration 6

5 Pinterest Inspiration
1. Kris Atomic 2. Unknown 3. Janelle Burger on etsy 4. Savor Home 5. The Bay 6. Unknown 7. Unknown
I just watched this video and I thought it was cute…if I had an extra day and it remained special, because that's the catch I think, Everyday must be special always or it will very soon just become an extra Saturday or Friday, etc. If it remained special I would make a point to do everything I never have time to do or put off or always wanted to do, just on that day. I would make it a day where nothing was too great or insignificant, where I would do at least one thing that I have never done before or don't do often enough, like going to the local museum or watching the sunrise or taking a day trip with no destination. 
I think despite the fact that not every week are we going to take time to do these things, even if we should, the idea of Everyday is a nice thought and perhaps every so often we should set an Everyday to do all the things we can't in a regular week.

1. This picture is of Brighton, there must be some sort of fair going on…anyways I thought it was so pretty and I can't wait to see and experience these things when I go to Europe for my Grad trip!
2. Oh! Marion Cotillard, why are you so beautiful?! After my graduation I'm going to grow out my hair into this sort of bob, blunt, and long enough that I can curl it like this. It's going to be tough I think…a lot of growing pains to go through I think!
3. This watercolour…it's very french and I love it so!
4. I think everyday and I don't mean Everyday, we should be reminded of this…
5. I don't think I need to explain why this dress is here. Oh! just look at it…I would love to flounce around in that…
6. I love the simplicity of the girls outfit and that she has left her nails and lips as the main focus. Plus I love the pose that she is in and the focal point…just all around lovely :)
7. This picture makes me ache for summer slash spring slash the snow to be gone!! Ugh, if only I could take my bike out and feel my legs burn and the breeze on my face and the crunch of gravel beneath the tires…one can dream…

xxoo Bronté